Airport Santa Rosa (Ecuador)

- Time zone: GMT -5
- Address: Aeropuerto Santa Rosa - El Oro, Santa Rosa, Provincia de El Oro, Ecuador
- Operating company: Direccion General de Aviacion Civil de Ecuador (DGAC)
- Parking: yes; there is plenty of space for parking at the airport.
- Nearby cities: Machala (19 km), Tumbes (54 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is on the main road #92, about 3 km or 1 mile northwest of Santa Rosa.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (25.00%), Tuesday (0.00%), Wednesday (25.00%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (25.00%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (25.00%)
- Alternative spelling: Санта-Роза (Эквадор), 聖羅莎(厄瓜多爾), サンタローザ(エクアドル), סנטה רוזה-אקוודור
The airport is about 3 km or 1 mile northwest of Santa Rosa and about 22 km or 17 miles south of Machala. It is easy to reach on the main road #92.