Airport Rondonopolis

- Time zone: GMT -4
- Service telephone: +55 66 3411-5134
- Address: Aeroporto de Rondonópolis, Rodovia BR-163, Km. 110, Rondonópolis - MT, Brasil
- Operating company: Secretaria de Transporte e Trânsito de Rondonópolisl
- Nearby cities: Rondonópolis (16 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is directly on the highway BR-163, about 14 miles southwest of the inner city.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (16.33%), Tuesday (18.37%), Wednesday (16.33%), Thursday (16.33%), Friday (16.33%), Saturday (12.24%), Sunday (4.08%)
- Alternative spelling: Рондонополис, Rondonópolis
First in use in 2000, the airport is 14 miles southwest of the city directly on the highway BR-163 and 198 miles from the capital Cuiabá.