Airport Loja

- Time zone: GMT -5
- Service telephone: +593 7 26 77 140
- Address: Aeropuerto "Camilo Ponce Enriquez" de Loja, Provincia de Loja, Ecuador
- Operating company: Municipio de Loja
- Parking: yes; there is plenty of parking at the airport.
- Nearby cities: Loja (17 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is about 2 km or less than a mile southwest of Catamayo and 30 km or 22 miles west of Loja.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (9.52%), Tuesday (23.81%), Wednesday (19.05%), Thursday (23.81%), Friday (9.52%), Saturday (4.76%), Sunday (9.52%)
- Alternative spelling: La Toma, Catamayo, Лоха (Эквадор), 洛哈(厄瓜多爾), وخا-إكوادور, ロハ (エクアドル), 로하 (에콰도르)
The airport is about 30 km or 22 miles west of Loja near Ferienortes Catamayo. It is easy to reach on the main road #35. To get to and from the airport please use a taxi.