Airport Labrea
- Time zone: GMT -4
- Service telephone: +55 97 3331-1362
- Address: Aeroporto de Lábrea, Av. Vile Roy, 2051, Lábrea,
- Operating company: Departamento de Aviação Civil - D.A.C.
- Directions by car: The airport is near the BR-230 highway (Transamazonica), about 2 miles southeast of Labrea.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (25.37%), Tuesday (0.00%), Wednesday (25.37%), Thursday (5.97%), Friday (25.37%), Saturday (5.97%), Sunday (11.94%)
- Alternative spelling: Лабреа, Lábrea
Most popular destinations from Labrea (Flights per week )
- Airport Coari (4, 40,00 %)
- Airport Manaus (4, 40,00 %)
- other (20.00 %)
The airport is about 2 miles southeast of the inner city, near the Transamazonica (highway BR-230) towards Humaita.