Airport Itaituba
- Time zone: GMT -4
- Service telephone: +55 93 3518-3640
- Address: Aeroporto Itaituba, Rodovia Transamazonica, Km 4, CEP: 68.182-180, Itaituba - PA, Brasil
- Operating company: Prefeitura Municipal de Itaituba
- Directions by car: The airport is about 1 mile north of the inner city, on the BR-230 highway to Jacareacanga.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (16.03%), Tuesday (7.69%), Wednesday (16.03%), Thursday (12.82%), Friday (19.87%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (27.56%)
- Alternative spelling: Итайтуба
The airport is about 1 mile northwest of the inner city directly on the Transamazónica BR-230 towards Jacareacanga.