Airport Yuncheng Airport

- Time zone: GMT 6
- Operating company: The Peoples Republic China
- Nearby cities: Yuncheng (1 km), Changzhi (71 km)
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (13.97%), Tuesday (12.80%), Wednesday (15.47%), Thursday (13.48%), Friday (15.62%), Saturday (14.51%), Sunday (14.15%)
- Alternative spelling: Yuncheng Guangong, Vận Thành, Юньчэн, 윈청, 運城, 运城
Most popular destinations from Yuncheng Airport (Flights per week )
- Airport Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (24, 7,45 %)
- Airport Shanghai Pudong International Airport (24, 7,45 %)
- Airport Kunming (24, 7,45 %)
- Airport Wuhan (16, 4,97 %)
- Airport Beijing Capital International Airport (16, 4,97 %)
- Airport Shenzhen (16, 4,97 %)
- Airport Ningbo (12, 3,73 %)
- Airport Sanya (Fenghuang) (8, 2,48 %)
- Airport Wenzhou (8, 2,48 %)
- Airport Xiamen (8, 2,48 %)
- other (51.57 %)
Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)
- Shenzhen Airlines (240, 37,68 %)
- Air China (139, 21,82 %)
- China Eastern Airlines (114, 17,90 %)
- Xiamen Airlines (80, 12,56 %)
- China Southern Airlines (48, 7,54 %)
- other (2.51 %)