Airport Ulanhot

- Time zone: GMT 8
- Nearby cities: Ulan Hot (14 km), Baicheng (90 km)
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (13.98%), Tuesday (14.24%), Wednesday (13.98%), Thursday (14.06%), Friday (14.15%), Saturday (15.36%), Sunday (14.24%)
- Alternative spelling: Wulanhaote
Most popular destinations from Ulanhot (Flights per week )
- Airport Baotou (8, 5,26 %)
- Airport Beijing Capital International Airport (8, 5,26 %)
- Airport Beijing Daxing (8, 5,26 %)
- Airport Shanghai Pudong International Airport (4, 2,63 %)
- Airport Shenzhen (4, 2,63 %)
- other (78.96 %)
Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)
- China Express Airlines (128, 42,11 %)
- Air China (80, 26,32 %)
- China United Airlines (48, 15,79 %)
- Loong Air (32, 10,53 %)
- other (5.25 %)