Airport Tongren

- Time zone: GMT 8
- Nearby cities: Jishou (63 km), Huaihua (74 km)
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (10.45%), Tuesday (14.43%), Wednesday (17.91%), Thursday (15.42%), Friday (16.42%), Saturday (15.42%), Sunday (9.95%)
Most popular destinations from Tongren (Flights per week )
- Airport Wenzhou (13, 26,00 %)
- Airport Ningbo (4, 8,00 %)
- Airport Beijing Daxing (4, 8,00 %)
- Airport Shantou (4, 8,00 %)
- other (50 %)
Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)
- China United Airlines (32, 32,00 %)
- Juneyao Airlines (20, 20,00 %)
- Sichuan Airlines (16, 16,00 %)
- Qingdao Airlines (16, 16,00 %)
- other (16.00 %)