Airport Lubumbashi

1 Flight routes from & to Lubumbashi (FBM)

Flight Kinshasa (FIH) - Lubumbashi (FBM)
Congo Airways (8Z221, 8Z10, 8Z223, 8Z335), Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation (CAA) (BU2323, BU2343, BU2311, BU2335)

Airport Lubumbashi

Lubumbashi International Airport is one of the largest and most important airports in the central African Democratic Republic of Congo. Regular scheduled domestic flights serve the capital Kinshasa, Goma, Kananga, Kisangani, Kolwezi, as well as some African destinations such as Brazzaville, Johannesburg, Harare and Lilongwe.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT 2
  • Service telephone: +243 99 5909-817 (Airport Station Manager); +249 (0) 81.400.0754 (Hewa Bora Airways, Lubumbashi)
  • Address: Aéroport international de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, République démocratique du Congo
  • Operating company: Régie des Voies Aériennes de la République Démocratique du Congo (RVA)
  • Parking: Yes, there is plenty of parking available.
  • Nearby cities: Lubumbashi (11 km)
  • Directions by car: The airport access road is on the national road N-1 and N-6, about 11 km or 7 miles northeast of downtown and the train station.
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (16.26%), Tuesday (11.38%), Wednesday (15.67%), Thursday (13.95%), Friday (15.43%), Saturday (12.67%), Sunday (14.64%)
  • Alternative spelling: Lubumbaši, Лубумбаши, Лубумбаші, Λουμπουμπάσι, لوبومباشي, لوبومباشی, לובומבאשי, लुबुंबशी, 루붐바시, ルブンバシ, 盧本巴希, 卢本巴希

Most popular destinations from Lubumbashi (Flights per week )

Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)

  1. Ethiopian Airlines (48, 31,79 %)
  2. Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation (CAA) (42, 27,81 %)
  3. Kenya Airways (29, 19,21 %)
  4. Air Tanzania (12, 7,95 %)
  5. RwandAir (4, 2,65 %)
  6. other (10.59 %)

The airport is located approximately 11 km or 7 miles north east of downtown. It is accessible on the N-1 and N-6.