Airport Florence, SC

Airport Florence, SC

Florence Regional Airport is a major aviation hub in the state of South Carolina. It is located in the north east of the administrative district of Florence County, where the largest city is Florence.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT -5
  • Service telephone: +1 843 669-5001
  • Address: Florence Regional Airport, 2100 Terminal Drive, Florence, SC 29506, USA
  • Operating company: City & County of Florence
  • Parking: Yes, paid short-term and long-term parking, the first 15 minutes are free.
  • Directions by car: The airport is located east of the city centre, directly on Highway 76/301.
  • Stations: By train to Florence Amtrak Rail Station and then by bus # 3 (PDRTA).
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (14.04%), Tuesday (14.04%), Wednesday (13.36%), Thursday (14.04%), Friday (14.38%), Saturday (14.73%), Sunday (15.41%)
  • Alternative spelling: Florence-SC, Флоренс (Южная Каролина), フィレンツェ (サウスカロライナ州), 佛罗伦萨 (南卡罗来纳州)

The airport is located 3 miles east of downtown Florence. The fastest connection to Florence is either on the Interstate 20 or the Interstate 95 towards Florence, then take Highway 76 towards Marion. The airport is then signposted.

Rail passengers please take trains to Florence Amtrak Railroad Station, and then continue by bus # 3, operated by the local transport company PDRTA.