Airport Fayetteville-Ft. Bragg, NC

1 Flight routes from & to Fayetteville (FAY)

Flight Atlanta (ATL) - Fayetteville (FAY)
KLM (KL6916, KL7254, KL5640), Delta Air Lines (DL3518, DL3516, DL3405), Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS2289), Korean Air (KE7154)

Airport Fayetteville-Ft. Bragg, NC

Fayetteville Regional Airport is the main air transport hub in the administrative district of Cumberland County, North Carolina.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT -5
  • Service telephone: +1 910 433-1160
  • Address: Fayetteville Regional Airport, 400 Airport Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306, USA
  • Operating company: City of Fayetteville
  • Parking: Yes, paid short-term and long-term parking.
  • Nearby cities: Fayetteville (7 km), Cary (90 km), Raleigh (90 km), West Raleigh (91 km)
  • Directions by car: Exit # 44 on the Interstate then take the US Highway 87 at exit # 100 and directly on the US-Highway 3.
  • Stations: By train to Fayetteville Amtrak Railroad Station and then take a taxi.
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (14.13%), Tuesday (14.17%), Wednesday (13.57%), Thursday (13.80%), Friday (14.17%), Saturday (14.73%), Sunday (15.44%)
  • Alternative spelling: Fayetteville Regional Airport, Grannies Field, Файетвил, Фейетвилл (Северная Каролина), فیتویل, فايتفيل, فاييتفيل، كارولاينا الشمالية, 파예트빌, ファイエットビル, 費耶特維爾 (北卡羅萊納州), 费耶特维尔

Most popular destinations from Fayetteville-Ft. Bragg, NC (Flights per week )

The airport is located 3 miles south of downtown Fayetteville. Motorists can reach the airport on the Interstate 95 at exit # 44, on the US Highway 87 at exit # 100, or directly on the US Highway 301.

Rail passengers take trains to Fayetteville Amtrak Railroad Station and continue by taxi.