Airport Buenaventura, Colombia

- Time zone: GMT -5
- Service telephone: +57 2 43 49-19
- Address: Aeropuerto "Gerardo Tobar López" de Buenaventura, 76109 Buenaventura, Departamento de Valle de Cauca, Colombia
- Operating company: Aeronautica Civil de Colombia
- Parking: yes, plenty of parking spaces at the airport.
- Nearby cities: Buenaventura (12 km), Buenaventura (26 km), Cali (67 km), Buga (77 km), Palmira (82 km), Tuluá (93 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is on the Carrera #66S, about 15 km or 12 miles southeast of Buenaventura.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (0.00%), Tuesday (50.00%), Wednesday (0.00%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (50.00%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (0.00%)
- Alternative spelling: 布埃納文圖拉,哥倫比亞, بوينافنتورا، وكولومبيا, ブエナヴェントゥーラ、コロンビア, 부에나벤투라, 콜롬비아
The airport is about 15 km or 12 miles southeast of Buenaventura. It is easy to reach on the Carrera #66S towards Zabaletas. Transfer to and from Buenaventura is provided by taxi or microbus.