Airport Aksu

- Time zone: GMT 8
- Nearby cities: Aksu (16 km)
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (14.63%), Tuesday (14.96%), Wednesday (14.63%), Thursday (15.09%), Friday (14.59%), Saturday (15.52%), Sunday (10.58%)
- Alternative spelling: Akesu, Аксу, أقسو, アクス市, 아커쑤 시, 阿克苏市
Most popular destinations from Aksu (Flights per week )
- Airport Zhengzhou (24, 6,63 %)
- Airport Beijing Capital International Airport (16, 4,42 %)
- Airport Xining (4, 1,10 %)
- other (87.85 %)
Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)
- China Express Airlines (224, 30,94 %)
- China Southern Airlines (176, 24,31 %)
- Air China (136, 18,78 %)
- Tianjin Airlines (48, 6,63 %)
- Shandong Airlines (44, 6,08 %)
- Loong Air (32, 4,42 %)
- Qingdao Airlines (32, 4,42 %)
- China Eastern Airlines (16, 2,21 %)
- other (2.21 %)