Airport Wau Waw

- Time zone: GMT 3
- Address: Wau Airport, Wau, South Sudan
- Parking: Yes, there is plenty of parking available.
- Nearby cities: Waw (4 km)
- Directions by car: Access to the airport is on the main road A43 about 4 km or 2 miles north of the city centre.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (22.73%), Tuesday (9.09%), Wednesday (13.64%), Thursday (9.09%), Friday (22.73%), Saturday (13.64%), Sunday (9.09%)
- Alternative spelling: Вау (Южный Судан), Уау (Южен Судан), واو-جنوب السودان, וואו-וואו, 와우 (남수단), 瓦烏 (南蘇丹)
The airport is about 4 km or 2 miles north of the inner city. It is easy to reach on the main road A43.