Airport San Fernando de Apure - Las Flecheras

- Time zone: GMT -4.5
- Service telephone: +58 (0247) 341.01.39 / 341.10.12
- Address: Aeropuerto Nacional "Las Flecheras" de San Fernando de Apure, Avenida 1° de Mayo, 7001 San Fernando de Apure, Estado Apure, Venezuela
- Operating company: Instituto Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil de Venezuela (INAC)
- Parking: Yes, there are plenty of parking spaces at the airport.
- Directions by car: The airport is on Avenida 1 ° de Mayo, about 4 km or 2 miles southeast of the bus station.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (0.00%), Tuesday (0.00%), Wednesday (0.00%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (0.00%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (0.00%)
- Alternative spelling: San Fernando De Apure Flecheras, Aeropuerto Las Flecheras, Сан-Фернандо-де-Апуре, サンは、フェルナンドデアプレ, 聖費爾南多德阿普雷
The airport is about 4 miles southeast of the bus station. It is easy to reach on the Avenida de Mayo Lero. Transfer to and from downtown is provided by taxis and colectivos.