Airport Maturin

- Time zone: GMT -4.5
- Service telephone: +58 (0291) 641.09.60 / 641.09.42 / 641.09.41
- Address: Aeropuerto Internacional "José Tadeo Monagas" de Maturín, Avenida José Gregorio Monagas, Sector Las Cocuízas, 6201 Maturín, Estado Monagas, Venezuela
- Operating company: Instituto Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil de Venezuela (INAC) & Servicio Autónomo de Aeropuertos del estado Monagas (SAADEMO)
- Parking: Yes, there is plenaty of space for parking.
- Nearby cities: Maturin (3 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is located near the highway 10, about 5 km or 3 miles northeast of downtown.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (15.38%), Tuesday (9.23%), Wednesday (23.08%), Thursday (18.46%), Friday (15.38%), Saturday (15.38%), Sunday (3.08%)
- Alternative spelling: José Tadeo Monagas, Maturin Quiriquire, Матурин, ماتورين, 馬圖林, Ματουρίν, ורין, ונצואלה, マトゥリン
The airport is located about 5 km or 3 miles northeast of the bus station. Transfer to and from downtown is provided by taxis and colectivos.