Airport Latakia

- Time zone: GMT 2
- Nearby cities: Latakia (20 km), Hamah (79 km), Idlib (85 km), Antioch (91 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is about 22 km or 13 miles south east of Latakia and accessible from the main road 1.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (0.00%), Tuesday (100.00%), Wednesday (0.00%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (0.00%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (0.00%)
- Alternative spelling: اللاذقية, Laodicea, לטקיה, Lataquia, Латакия, Lazkiye, Al-Ladhiqiyah, Latakiyah, Latakia - Bassel Al-Assad International Airport
The airport is located about 22 km or 13 miles southeast of Latakia, the signposted entrance is on the main road 1.