Airport Kameshli

- Time zone: GMT 1
- Service telephone: +963 52 420-330
- Nearby cities: Kızıltepe (57 km), Batman (96 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is about 5 km or 3 miles south west of downtown. Access is signposted and on the main road 6.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (60.87%), Tuesday (0.00%), Wednesday (0.00%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (0.00%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (39.13%)
- Alternative spelling: Kamishly, Al Qamishli, القامشلي, Qamişlo, Qamischli, Kamışlı, קמישלי, Qamişlo, Эль-Камышлы
The airport is located approximately 5 km or 3 miles southwest of downtown on the highway 7 towards Al Hasakah.