Airport Juazeiro do Norte

Airport Juazeiro do Norte

Juazeiro do Norte - Regional do Cariri Airport is an important airport in the northeastern Brazilian federal state of Ceará. The city is in the south of Ceara about 370 miles from the capital.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT -3
  • Service telephone: +55 88 3572-2118
  • Address: Aeroporto de Juazeiro do Norte, Avenida Virgílio Távora 4000, CEP:63.020-470, Juazeiro do Norte - CE, Brasil
  • Operating company: INFRAERO, Aeroportos Brasileiros
  • Parking: Paid parking for about 60 vehicles in front of the terminal.
  • Nearby cities: Juazeiro do Norte (5 km)
  • Directions by car: The airport is on the eastern outskirts of the city, about 4 miles from the inner city.
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (15.81%), Tuesday (13.80%), Wednesday (13.30%), Thursday (14.70%), Friday (15.46%), Saturday (13.74%), Sunday (13.19%)
  • Alternative spelling: Juazeiro do Norte-Regional do Cariri, Жуазейру-ду-Норти

Most popular destinations from Juazeiro do Norte (Flights per week )

Top airlines (percentage of departures and arrivals)

  1. Gol Transportes Aéreos (101, 51,27 %)
  2. Azul Brazilian Airlines (46, 23,35 %)
  3. LATAM Chile (32, 16,24 %)
  4. other (9.14 %)

The airport is about 4 mileseast of the inner city.