Airport Johnstown, PA

Airport Johnstown, PA

Johnstown-Cambria County Airport is an important airport in the U.S. State of Pennsylvania. It is located in Cambria County.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT -5
  • Service telephone: +1 814 539-3510
  • Address: Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, 479 Airport Road, Johnstown, PA 15904, USA
  • Operating company: Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority
  • Nearby cities: Pittsburgh (100 km)
  • Directions by car: From Johnstown either on the U.S. Highway 219 in the direction Ehrenfeld or the State Highway 56 in the direction of travel Geis Town and follow the signs to the airport.
  • Stations: The closest Amtrak Rail Station is located about 30 miles further west in Latrobe, where there is a connection to the "Pennsylvanian" route, which goes between New York City and Pittsburgh.
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (13.81%), Tuesday (15.03%), Wednesday (13.29%), Thursday (14.34%), Friday (13.29%), Saturday (14.34%), Sunday (15.91%)
  • Alternative spelling: Johnstown-PA, John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, Джонстаун, Пенсильвания, ジョンズタウン (ペンシルベニア州), 约翰斯敦 (宾夕法尼亚州)

Most popular destinations from Johnstown, PA (Flights per week )

The airport is 3 miles east of downtown Johnstown. Passengers arriving by car please take the U.S. Highway 219 towards Ehrenfeld or from Johnstown the State Highway 56 towards Geis Town and follow the signs to the airport grounds.