Airport El Vigia International

- Time zone: GMT -4.5
- Address: Aeropuerto Internacional "Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso" de El Vigia, 5145 El Vigia, Estado Mérida, Venezuela
- Operating company: Instituto Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil de Venezuela (INAC) & Servicio Autónomo de Puertos y Aeropuertos del Estado Mérida (SAPAM)
- Parking: Yes, there are plenty of parking spaces at the airport.
- Nearby cities: Ejido (49 km), Mucumpiz (64 km)
- Directions by car: Access to the airport is located on the Panamerican Highway.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (12.20%), Tuesday (17.07%), Wednesday (7.32%), Thursday (21.95%), Friday (17.07%), Saturday (2.44%), Sunday (21.95%)
- Alternative spelling: Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso
Opened in 1991, the airport is about 1.5 km or half a mile north of the bus station, it is easy to reach on the National Road 1 (Panamericana).