Airport Cruzeiro Do Sul Campo
- URL: Official website
- Time zone: GMT -5
- Service telephone: +55 68 3311-1900
- Address: Aeroporto Internacional de Cruzeiro do Sul, Rodovia AC 407 Km 12, Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, CEP:69.980-000, Brasil
- Operating company: INFRAERO, Aeroportos Brasileiros
- Parking: Free parking for about 90 vehicles
- Directions by car: The airport is directly on the Rodavia AC-407 between Cruzeiro do Sul and Mâncio Lima.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (8.86%), Tuesday (13.92%), Wednesday (18.99%), Thursday (13.92%), Friday (18.99%), Saturday (12.66%), Sunday (12.66%)
- Alternative spelling: Крузейру-ду-Сул
The airport is about 8 miles west of downtown Cruzeiro. From Cruzeiro do Sul drive on the Rodovia AC-407 westwards and follow the signs to the airport.