Airport Clarksburg, WV

7 Flight routes from & to Clarksburg (CKB)

Flight Washington DC (IAD) - Clarksburg (CKB)
United Airlines (UA5047, UA2655, UA2657)
Flight Washington-DC (WAS) - Clarksburg (CKB)
United Airlines (UA5047, UA2655, UA2657)
Flight Clarksburg (CKB) - Washington DC (IAD)
United Airlines (UA5068, UA5028, UA2657, UA2656)
Flight Clarksburg (CKB) - Washington-DC (WAS)
United Airlines (UA5068, UA5028, UA2657, UA2656)
Flight Clarksburg (CKB) - Sanford (SFB)
Allegiant Air (G42165, G42350, G42167, G42174, G42240, G42135, G42150, G42178)

Airport Clarksburg, WV

Clarksburg-North Central West Virginia Airport near Bridgeport and Clark’s castle is a major air transport hub of the state of West Virginia. It is located in the northern administrative district, in Harrison County.
  • URL: Official website
  • Time zone: GMT -5
  • Service telephone: +1 304 842-3400
  • Address: Clarksburg-North Central West Virginia Airport, 2000 Aviation Way, Bridgeport, WV 26330, USA
  • Operating company: Benedum Airport Authority
  • Parking: Yes, free parking for passengers.
  • Directions by car: The airport is on the US Highway 50 in the town of Bridgeport.
  • Stations: The closest Amtrak Rail Station is about 80 miles further north in Cumberland, Maryland.
  • Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (14.47%), Tuesday (12.28%), Wednesday (12.83%), Thursday (13.74%), Friday (15.74%), Saturday (13.83%), Sunday (17.11%)
  • Alternative spelling: Clarksburg-WV, North Central West Virginia Airport, Кларксбург, クラークスバーグ, 克拉克斯堡 (西弗吉尼亚州)

Most popular destinations from Clarksburg, WV (Flights per week )

The airport is located 6 miles east of Clark Castle in Bridgeport. Passengers arriving by car, take the US Highway 50 towards Bridgeport and follow the signs to the airport at the end.