Airport Bobo-Dioulasso

- Time zone: GMT 0
- Operating company: Government
- Nearby cities: Bobo Dioulasso (6 km)
- Directions by car: The airport is about 4 km or 2 miles west of downtown on the main road to Orodara.
- Flight distribution on the days of the week: Monday (8.33%), Tuesday (66.67%), Wednesday (8.33%), Thursday (0.00%), Friday (8.33%), Saturday (0.00%), Sunday (8.33%)
- Alternative spelling: Бобо-Діуласо, ボボ・ディウラッソ, 博博迪乌拉索
The airport is on the western outskirts of the city, and is about 4 km or 2 miles from downtown. The driveway is located directly on the long-distance road Orodara.