Flights from Dammam to Peshawar

Our cheapest offers for flights from Dammam to Peshawar

Here you can compare cheap flights from Dammam (DMM) to Peshawar (PEW) for one-way or return trips. The following offers were searched for and found on idealo during the last few days. Or start your own flight search to Peshawar. Prices and availability may change at any time.

Tips and tricks to help you find cheap flights from Dammam to Peshawar

Favorite airline: Qatar Airways
100 % of bookings on this flight route are made with Qatar Airways, Saudia and Emirates.
Qatar Airways
39 %
33 %
28 %
Favourite connection: via Doha
Stopover flights on this route are especially popular via Doha, making up 39 % of bookings.
1 stopover Doha International Airport
07h 40min, from $321
39 %
1 stopover Jeddah-King Abdulaziz International Airport
19h 15min, from $342
33 %
1 stopover Dubai
20h 30min, from $396
28 %

Flight information: Dammam - Peshawar

Roundtrip from $280.23
Distance 2245 km
Departure airport Airport Dammam (DMM)
Departure country Flights from Saudi Arabia
Arrival airport Airport Peshawar (PEW)
Destination country Flights to Pakistan
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